# Actions Id Name Category Site Date Author Description
Magicka Metamorphica GHF 2016-11-03
Magicka Metamorphica Fliggerty Fliggerty 2011-07-24 Fliggerty It has been speculated that a soul gem is essentially just magicka-infused matter. We now know that this is indeed the truth.
An Argonian enchanter, in his researches, has stumbled upon the method commonly used to create soul gems. For a small price, he will teach you a spell that can be u...
Magicka Metamorphica Magic and Spells MMH 2009-07-08 Fliggerty It has been speculated that a soul gem is essentially just magicka-infused matter.  
We now know that this is indeed the truth.  An Argonian enchanter, in his researches, has stumbled upon the method once commonly used to create soul gems.  For a small price, he w...